Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A "Christian Duty" to Vote?

As if in orchestrated response to the overwhelming attention given to next month's election(s), professing Christians are once again getting quite vocal (particularly in social media) about the concept of "the Christian Duty to Vote".  I often inject "pushback" into these discussions, usually by contesting the scriptural basis for democracy... and WOW, what agitated responses I get!  Holy sacred cow, Batman!  It seems that many Christians fear that if enough people don't vote for the lesser of two evils, then we'll be stuck with our last crappy choice for a president, etc.  Well, I've got news for everyone...

We the people will always get exactly the kind of leader that our Republic-devolved-into-a-Democracy will warrant.  If we fail to bankrupt and bury Planned Parenthood (for example), we will more than likely be saddled with leaders who have little or no regard for the sanctity of life.  If we consent to "green science" over practical common sense, we will be duped by a president who pushes through a whole boatload of cap-and-trade legislation, outlaws incandescent light bulbs and fines you if your toilet flushes too much water.  If our "churches" continue to cower before the IRS by taking on 501c3 status, then our pastors, preachers and teachers will continue to be bullied out of speaking out against specific candidates.  This will, in turn, keep us locked into the vicious "lesser evil" cycle.  What I'm saying is this:


Think about it.  America has enshrined wealth/prosperity/"freedom" and eschewed Christ, and then we wonder about the mess we are in.  Our national economy will not correct itself.  I believe that a fruitful course of action for any genuine Christ-follower is to repent of our dependence on the dollar, our hunger for humanistic education, and our laziness, and return to attempting to view everything — and I mean EVERYTHING — through the lens of Scripture.  That includes work, play, education, spending, saving, sex, the future, eating, health... EVERYTHING.  We are promised that we will find true fellowship with God when we seek Him with our whole heart (Deuteronomy 4:29, John 4:24, etc).  Conversely, "these people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me", says the Lord.

Voting will not save Americans.  Only repentance before the Almighty King of kings will accomplish that.  John the Baptist once warned the crowds, "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance" (Luke 3).  Let this be our goal in Christ... and the righteous leaders that we so desire will have room to emerge.

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