Friday, April 13, 2012

"What We Can Do To Save Our Country", by Richard L. Calvi

Dear ADL Readers:

In the near future, I'll be featuring some "Guest Posts" from family members and friends.  Today's post comes from my dear ol' Dad.  Recently, my parents have reunited (after being divorced for 30 years... now that's an amazing story.  I'll have to write a book someday) and moved to the Flathead Valley of Montana, to be near us and to live in a locale that more readily embraces a Constitutional mindset.

Thanks for letting me share this, Dad.  I admire you for writing it.


Dear Friends and Family:

Many of us are very concerned about the direction our country has taken and want to know if there is anything we can do to turn it around and bring it back from the edge of disaster. I have felt for a long time that big government has gotten out of control in this country and the politicians are more concerned about their own benefits, power, and egos than the overall welfare of the American people. I have also believed that we were too far gone and our government was too corrupt for us to turn it around, short of a revolution.

I have recently changed my mind. I now believe we have an opportunity to turn things around and bring our country back to a healthy status, where we can continue to enjoy our freedom and a strong economy, and regain respect around the world that we have lost in recent years. I believe there is one presidential candidate who has the wisdom, knowledge, strength of character, and integrity to turn it all around and bring us back to the amazing country we once were. He is the only candidate who has been involved in American government long enough to know how it works and how it should and can work, and has stood for the right principals and policies for many years, against all odds and against much peer pressure. His name is Ron Paul.

I have never been involved in promoting any candidates or political platforms before, but I strongly believe our country is in big trouble and will only get worse if we don't make some radical and immediate changes in our government. I also believe that these upcoming primaries and general election in November could very well be our last chance to turn it around. I believe Ron Paul is the only candidate we can trust to know and do the right thing for our country and our people. There are many places you can go to learn about Ron Paul. Some examples are: - Watch the videos shown on the right side - Click on "Click Here To View The Brochure" and you'll be able to know about him.

(Ric says: “If you would like to see the whole brochure, which is extremely well done and very informative, click here. Scroll to the bottom of that page and click on the front or back image. Use Ctrl + or Ctrl – on your keyboard to zoom in or out.”) - Scroll down and watch the videos. - Just type Ron Paul in the search box and click on the magnifying glass symbol next to it. Also, you can type in Ron Paul - Sandpoint Idaho and watch the video.

Or, you can just Google him. In any case, there are plenty of places you can go to learn about this man that I believe is the next person we need in the White House serving as our President.

I hope no one takes offense to this letter. I am simply sharing my feelings and beliefs with you in hopes that, if you agree, you will research Ron Paul with an open mind and give him serious consideration when you vote. Many have said, and I also thought, that Ron Paul does not appear to be polished enough, or sophisticated enough, or a good enough speaker to win the presidential election. I firmly believe he is the right person for the job, and we need him now, before it is too late. One thing is for sure, he cannot win unless enough people vote for him and that is where you and I come in. He needs our votes and the votes of our friends and family, and we need him to return our country to what it once was.

If you don't agree, just delete this and vote your conscience in the primary and/or in November, but please vote

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this.


Dick Calvi

(Ric says: If you'd like an very educated perspective on American economics, I highly recommend Dr. Paul's book "End The Fed".  You can purchase it on Amazon and have it delivered right to your door!)


  1. OK, I think something went wrong when I did the cut-and-paste from his email... I'll look into it.

  2. Ron Paul will never get in because in order to be elected one must have the media behind him, and they have cut him out, as we saw in the debates. He won all the primaries but that was also blocked through fraud. The GLOBALISTS own the dinosaur media [ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN] which are all a giant hoax [focusing on fake issues and creating debates to distract]. The globalists want ROMNEY and the Bilderbergs are now selecting his running mate. We've had it--Romney is like a "white Obama": open borders, carbon taxes, globalism, Agenda 21. What Ron Paul DID do, however, is establish ideas [of 1776] that won't die.

    1. Karen, I see your point. Still, as they say: "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings." In fact, the God of the universe laughs at the Bilderbergs, etc (see Psalm 37 —, and HIS purpose will be accomplished. The question WE have to ask ourselves is, "am I numbered among the righteous (i.e., found in Christ) or among the wicked (i.e. those who disregard the Lord's sovereignty)?

      Here's a quote from good ol' Ben Franklin:

      "I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise [or fall, for that matter -Ric] without his aid?"

  3. It would be a wonderful MIRACLE if Ron Paul got in.
